
quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2014

A book to study C, or NOT!

As promised I'm back to talk about the Programming in C (4th Edition) book. Well, I'll paste my amazon's review, to be short.

"When I started this reading soon I became absorbed by the formation of the writer's words. Unfortunately that feeling did not persist throughout the work. I still read until functions chapter, but the book is not renewed in style. There's much prolonged talk for bit subjects... For me a boring approach. The author uses many almost useless, in day-to-day, mathematical examples. A beginner will give up of C language or seek another book that is more aimed.
I still prefer the Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets by Peter van der Linden that invites you to understand language with real facts about C, and The C Programming Language by the creators of the Language that despite being old and summarized, informs the reader about the language accurately."

It's yours choice.


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